The forecast last night was for rain today, starting at about 1:15am. I got up to go peepee at about 1:30am and it was just starting. At 5:30am, when I packed up my tent, it was still raining. BUT one must still eat breakfast and here are Ryan and Rich chowing down. Dark until about 7:00am!
Dave was getting ready to leave, as was the rest of the gang, by 8:00am . . .
. . . still considering rain gear of not . . . the answer was yes. Rain forecasted for all day.
Out on the road we followed along the coastline, riding up and down gentle rollers . . . very scenic
. . . as you can see, this highway has been a main connector from Vancouver, BC to San Diego, for a LONGGGGGG time!!
A lot of trails cross the roads here . . . and how someone could loose a shoe and not notice it, is beyond me!!!
Around the corner was another great view . . . but wait, what is that out in the water????
Why, the saltwater cousin of the Loch Ness Monster (probably dropped of by an alien spaceship!!!)
As we hugged the coast on the way to Deception Pass State campground, our home for the night, it was clear the tide was OUT!!!!
Oh . . . with all the moisture out here in the NW they can grow some BIG pumpkins. An 826 pounder with her little brother weighing in at 405. Lot of pie potential there.
A Washington State version of a ‘tiny house’. Looked quite comfy on this rainy day.
We stopped at a local bakery in Edison, WA but it was standing room only, and they had run out of coffee . . . they did have some nice looking bread!!!
Denise and Liz had found a place to settle in for a while.
The tide was coming up as we exited Edison . . .
. . . and he river was full of fisherman seeking the King salmon. The season closes today for white folks, while tribe members can continue to harvest . . .
. . . a couple of fisherman with their quota . . .
. . . most were 15 to 20 pounds . . .good eatin’!!
Oh . . . people in Edison have opinions!!!
I tied up with Jenny and we rode together, in the rain, the rest of the way to Deception Passe. She also has a forestry degree and had a 32 year career with the Ministry of Natural Resources, in Environment Canada.
Waiting for the drizzle to stop . . .
. . . then the rain started again during our final 10 miles up to Deception Pass campground . . . LOTS of traffic with all the campers and tourists heading home early because of the rain.
The bridge lookout at the pass is under construction but we stopped to get a quick photo from the road . . .
. . . no shoulder so you need to ‘take your lane’ when crossing.