Day – 6, Rush City, MN to Moose Lake, MN, 75 miles

I moved my tent late in the afternoon to a shaded spot behind a tree because of the direct afternoon/setting sun. Things were fine until about dusk when the skeeters came out in FORCE! Luckily I was in my tent at dusk when they began to “swarm”. I left the fly off the tent because there was no threat of rain. As I lay on my back reading my Kindle I looked up through the mesh and swarming around the tent, 180 degrees, were MILLIONS and MILLIONS of mosquitoes. I know they came out heavy at dusk but this was incredible. A quick Google gave the facts : . . . to mate, the males form large swarms at dusk and the females enter to take their pick. And for mosquitoes, it’s not the size that counts. Studies show that medium-sized males attract the most females because of their ability to stay up (in the air) longer. Funny!

I woke in the morning to more skeeters swarming and quickly loaded everything on Connie, hitting the road in record time. Already warm and humid.

IMG_0550Not Paul Bunyan, but one of his contemporaries.

IMG_0551Beaver Boutique . . . should have stopped by!

IMG_0552The fire museum in Hinckley commemorating the great 1894 Hinckley fire that burned at least 200,000 acres as a result of land clearing. Over 800 people died in the fire . . .

IMG_0553. . . never underestimate the power of capitalism to make a buck off any event!


IMG_0557No Dumping . . . some people can’t read I guess!

IMG_0559Came upon the Robert Monger Trail . . .

IMG_0561. . . but only lasted one mile on it and got off again onto the road. Too claustrophobic in the “tunnel of trees”. The trails in MN are paved but many seams have opened, been paved over or repaired and make for a bumpy ride when touring with a heavy bike. Better out on the open road . . .

IMG_0564. . . plus one would miss the wildflowers show along the way.

I’ve made a habit on this trip of stopping at all the roadside memorial I see along the way. Many of them are on straight roads, in the middle of nowhere. Makes one wonder if most of the victims fell asleep and veered off until it seems like they usually hit a tree. Many of the large pine along the road at these memorials till show the scars of impact. Sad!

IMG_0566This poor souls friends evidently like hamburgers!

IMG_0567Those trees are not going to move as a result of an impact.

IMG_0568Well kept memorial for . . .


. . . a motorcycle rider.

IMG_0571How about lunch? It’s not too humid to eat heart healthy!

It was EXTREMELY humid again today and there were forecasts for heavy rain over night, 70% chance. I decided not to take a chance, since everything was relatively dry, stayed inside once I reached Moose Lake. It didn’t take until evening, because at 2:30pm the skies opened. Glad I was inside.

IMG_0574The Moose Lake Motel . . .

IMG_0573. . . a deal at $52/night including tax. The local campground was $25 for a tent!!!!!!!!!

IMG_0576The view from my room . . . soon after I check in.

The humid weather has created physical problems for me I have never experienced riding. I have developed “bumpy butt”, as I call it, a form of road rash on the rear end. Also, along the areas on my feet where the biking sandals cross, there are large welts and red rash that usually goes away at night when I am in a motel with the AC running. About 4:00pm I put my sandals back on and tired to walk across the street to the store. My right foot hurts so bad, in the infected areas, I had to walk across the street barefoot.

Could be an interesting ride tomorrow. Good thing I have my sweetie, who will be driving up from DSM, as a backup SAG, if I need it!