Day 57, Manitowoc, WI


As we road though the Fox Valley it was an interesting mix of ag, rural, urban and everything in between. Farmers are still installing ‘tile’ to dewater wet fields to be farmed. In the past, actual clay tiles were used to produce the drainage. As WNDR would buy the retired fields to return them to Wildlife Management areas, the tiles would be physically cracked and broken, while in the ground, to allow the fields to flood again. What goes around . . . comes around.


. . . today the ‘tile’ is perforated plastic tubing.


. . .  we have been looking for an  alternative to our usual lunch of sandwiches and Oreo cookies . . .wonder if Mr Taco delivers ‘on the road’ and what his range is????


. . . some ag land is being lost to the continued  ‘suburban’ surge.


. . . nice riding on this cool, sunny Sunday morning.


. . . now this farmer has made good use of recycled beer cans . . . John Deere would be proud!!!


. . . we are in a BIG dairyland area and a lot of the milk is sold to Sartori to make cheese. They have a large ‘family’ of farms that supply the milk. ALL very neat and CLEAN!!!!


emJay and I stopped at the Neustadter Nature Center to have a little lunchy . . .


. . . it wasn’t;t open but we snooped around anyway. Nice joint effort and partnership with WDNR . . .


. . . back on the road we met Ruth and Jack, who started biking from New York City. They are on their way to Minneapolis where they are planning to fly back to New York.


. . . tonight the gang is camping at the Manitowoc County Fair grounds. Sporadic rain in in he forecast for tonight so they will probably camp under this pavilion . . .


. . . while emJay and I will be staying in the lovely home of Todd,  Wisconsin TNC’s Director of Government Relations.


Kirill, Todd, Misha and Andrea. Andrea made a GREAT BBQ chicken dinner with all the fixin’s. emJay FINALLY paid off Todd with the four 6 packs of beer she lost in a bet they had made … I feel a headache coming on tomorrow morning!!!! 


. . . I didn’t have a headache and woke up in their guest room with this LOVELY view of Lake Michigan. Should be smooth sailing today!!